Our Sponsors

Board of Union:

The Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine is officially registered in Ukraine under the Board of Union of Evangelical and Reformed Churches of Ukraine. The Board members are appointed by the Presbytery of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ukraine (EPCU) and the Synod of the Ukrainian Evangelical Reformed Church (UERC). These churches are responsible for the programs and future of the seminary, and our #1 goal is to prepare ministers and missionaries to serve these churches and help them reach Ukraine and the World for Jesus Christ.

Sister organizations providing sponsorship:

Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) http://www.pcanet.org
Mission to the World http://www.mtw.org
Ukraine Mission-Hattem of The Reformed Churches in The Netherlands http://www.oekrainezending.nl
Gereformeerde Kerken vrijgemaakt (GKV) http://www.gkv.nl
International Theological Education Ministries (I.T.E.M.) http://www.christforrussia.org
World Witness (ARP Board of Foreign Missions) http://www.worldwitness.org