
ERSU welcomes the opportunity to train students for service in the church of our Lord Jesus Christ without distinction as to nationality, race, gender or handicap. The Seminary was designed primarily to train men for the pastorate and church planting for the Reformed and Presbyterian churches in Ukraine. However, students from other denominations and students who want to be trained for leadership tasks in the church are warmly welcomed and will be accepted in so far as there is space available in the program. Once accepted, all students will receive equal treatment and be held to the same standards.

Criteria for Admission

The following criteria have been determined for admittance into the M.Div. program.

Applicants must undergo a personal interview

Applicants must generally meet the following criteria to be accepted:

1. Be at least 20 years of age

2. Be involved in practical service in the church

3. Have the recommendation of their churchs session or ruling council

 4. Be members of an evangelical church for at least 6 months

 5. At least one year as a professing Christian

 6. Have a Bachelor's degree or equivalent tertiary qualification. (We can consider on an individual basis, strong candidates who do not fulfill this requirement.)

 7. Capable of carrying the load with time and commitment

 8. Demonstrate personal maturity

 9. Show evidence of growing spiritual maturity and general Bible knowledge

 10. Demonstrate a strong desire to serve in the church

Applicants who do not meet the criteria stated above may still apply to the M. Div program.  Exceptions from the criteria will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Admissions Process

Applicants seeking admission to a program can contact the registrar and ask for the required forms or download them here. If an applicant would like to discuss some aspect of the seminary, he may contact the seminary staff. Once the application and all relevant documents have been received by the Administrator, an interview will be arranged between the applicant and a member of the seminary staff to discuss his goals and the criteria listed above. Upon completion of all application procedures, applicants will receive notification of acceptance or rejection. Applicants who are not accepted into the program will be told why and may eventually apply again in the future.


The Seminary wants to train leaders for the churches. We also want to combine study at the Seminary with active serving in the church. For that reason we require for each applicant that a recommendation is filled out by the church-council or the pastor of his or her 'home church'. This recommendation should express the need for a Seminary training for the student and also the way in which the local church will support the student. The local churches should also give opportunities for the student to do practical assignments in the church.